Lest We Forget.

Afghanistan is a country which has been plagued by wars and invasions over the last few centuries. The latest Afghan War, in which Australia was involved, dragged on for twenty years, ending in a retreat without treaty and victory for the Taliban. During that war Henry Naylor visited the country with his friend Sam, a professional photographer, to see for themselves how this war was impacting on the people of Afghanistan.  The people they met and the scenes they witnessed stayed with him, influencing his approach to writing, directing and performing.
While his time in Afghanistan was soon after 9/11, he  kept in touch with the friends he made there and the situation as it was unfolding. Now, in his latest play, Henry Naylor recounts his experiences on a simple stage setting, with Sam’s photos, displayed during the narrative, reinforcing the impact.
Henry Naylor is a consummate story teller, holding the audience between laughter and tears, in the palm of his hand. He has the timing of a stand-up comedian, a body, face and voice which can assume the many personalities who are contained with the narrative, and a story and images which will stay with you for nights to come. Beyond our immediate response to his performance is the message that we should acknowledge the damage that this war and its aftermath has had on Afghanistan. It is timely in that the current news from Afghanistan is a litany of privation, human rights abuses, women shrouded in burkhas, children dying from hunger; terror, chaos and misery. Henry Naylor, in this compelling performance, does not allow us to forget. In truth, Afghanistan is Not Funny.

Written and performed by Henry Naylor
Directed by Martha Lott.

The Studio Holden Street Theatres
15 February – 13 March

Emily Sutherland
19 February 2022

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