Kaleidoscope Arts Magazine

Kaleidoscope is an Arts Magazine program designed to bring the music, drama and literature in the Adelaide community, and from wider afield, to listeners.  It is produced and presented by Emily Sutherland and can be heard each Wednesday at 6.00pm with a repeat on Saturday 11.00am. or Listen on Demand to Kaleidoscope by accessing 5mbs.com  then click Listen on Demand.

Who doesn’t love Mozart? Hear Helena Rathbone talk about the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s all Mozart concert coming to Adelaide.

Who is not interested in art, even if they know nothing about is except what they like?

Fiona Salmon is your go-to person this week.

Who is not fascinated by women composers of the Baroque era. If you aren’t now, listen to Ben Dollman talk about the next Adelaide Baroque Concert. You will be enchanted.

Helena Rathbone came to Australia in 1994, planning to stay for a year playing with the Australian Chamber Orchestra. She is still here, and still loving being part of this unique chamber group. They will be in Adelaide on 20 June 7.30pm Adelaide Town Hall, with Mozart Symphonies 31,35 and 36.

Tickets can be ordered from aco.com.au 

One of the exhibits at the Flinders Museum of Art

Fiona Salmon is Director of the Flinders University of Modern Art. Part of her work is linking the appreciation and use of art with other university faculties. Some are easier than other, as she explains.

Find out more about this museum by listening to Fiona. You can also go to [email protected] 

To hear Fiona talk at ADFSA she will be at St Andrews Church, Walkerville at 10.30 am and in the evening at Burnside Uniting Church 7.30pm All tickets $25 and include refreshments.

Book at [email protected] or ring 0407 070 722 

All lovers of Baroque Music will want to hear the Adelaide Baroque Orchestra, directed by Simone Slattery as they play little known works by little known, and unjustly neglected women composers on18 June Elder Hall 3.00pm.

Barbara Strozzi composer

Book at  [email protected] 

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