My Life as a Symphony Kate Cebrano and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

Kate Cebrano came, she saw, she conquered. In fact she  conquered the audience as soon as she put her head around the corner of the stage, smiled and waved. From then on in she sang with a voice as powerful and dramatic as anyone could hope for, and a voice which could express the most intimate emotions. Particulary powerful was ‘I don’t know how to love him’ from Jesus Christ Superstar. Her rendition of ‘Pash’ had a few sitting uncomfortably in their seats, while ‘Louis’ Song’ stirred every maternal and paternal heart.  She gave the audience a great show and they loved her for it.

Kate Cebrano, with her long and illustrious career as a singer, record artist, actor and song writer has not lost her love of singing, nor her ability to relate to the audience and draw them in. This was  particularly apparent in the second half of the program when she talked about the high spots and disappointments in her career. 

The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vanessa Scamell, added panache to the songs, while the accompanying band provided the necessary oomph. Four young women, as back up singers, gave their support, but I wished they had been dressed more to suit the glamour of the occasion, as had Kate and Vanessa who both looked gorgeous. 

As Edna would have said, ‘It was a good night’s entertainment’