About Francis Willis

I’ve been with 5MBS for about six years. I usually present PRELUDE, preferably on a Friday so that I might be able to inject a little of the TGIF (‘Thank God it’s Friday’) mantra into the programme.

I arrived in Adelaide (from Melbourne where I had been involved with 3MBS) in 2000 and commenced broadcasting with Radio Adelaide, which at that time was still owned by the University of Adelaide. “Jazz” had been a  whispered word at 3MBS but in Adelaide I was able to present both Jazz and Classical music with impunity.

What do I enjoy most about presenting? Having been a “Welshman” in a previous existence, music has been part of my life. The ability to share that enjoyment with others (encouraged initially by a then Presenter with ABC Classic FM) is both pleasing and satisfying. Also, it’s a Hobby and a Hobby is something we pursue for the enjoyment it brings. This particular Hobby has kept me happy for somewhat over 20-odd years.

The Welsh genes draw me towards Choral Music – I was a Treble for a couple of years in the Choir of  London’s Southwark Cathedral before the voice broke. . . If ever stranded on a Desert Island and forced  to choose just one Composer it would be without doubt. . .Beethoven. Music for All Seasons (and moods . . ) although the Father of Jazz (one J. S. Bach) would be a close second.

When not at 5MBS, I try to keep fit, keep out of trouble and enjoy a decent glass of Red.

Previously I enjoyed a somewhat hectic but fulfilling career in the World of International Shipping. I had also been a keen Rower for some years and enjoyed another Life as a Nationally Accredited Rowing Coach and, there was also, Flog! Apologies, I’ve spelt that backwards . . .it should read Golf !

Articles by Francis Willis

Programs featuring Francis Willis