John Venus

Photo of John Venus

About John Venus

I joined 5MBS when we were still sharing studios with 5UV on North Terrace. We broadcast from a ‘Phone Box’ lined with egg cartons as I recall. 

I presented Classical programmes for some years until the administrative demands became too time consuming when I switched over to Jazz. 

As a young ‘20 something’ I worked for a few years at radio 5DN in Tynte Street North Adelaide as a ‘Presentation Officer’ and sometime announcer and became ‘fed up’ with the repetitious pop music of that time. Even as a young man I subscribed for many years to the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and Musica Viva so my preferences were always for good music. Someone once said “there are really only two types of music – good or bad”. I have a broad catholic taste for ‘good’ music – of many genres. My one regret is that I have not been born with the talent to play an instrument. 

The aspect I enjoy most about presenting is the music! 

I have too many musical favourites to single any style out. I greatly enjoy the Classical era (Beethoven, Mozart etc) but also enjoy a wide range of music from Baroque, Choral and including SOME contemporary. I do NOT appreciate some contemporary Jazz so my tastes there centre around the mainstream – even including some Trad with a preference for the vocal standards. 

I work full time as an Anglican Priest caring for two churches in the Parish of Norton Summit. 

My earlier life experiences range from growing up on a farm in the Adelaide Hills to some years in administration in the South Australian Police Force, to owning two major photographic Studios in Adelaide and developing a vineyard, winery and cellar door in the hills.  

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