Kim Murray

About Kim Murray

I started training at 5MBS with Philip Virgo a few years ago, and we started on classical programmes such as Sounds Classical and Cantabile. Then Yvonne Schwerte took me under her wing, and we did many operas and classical programmes together. I then put together some In The Spotlight programmes, which highlighted aspects of composers or instruments: that was fun, and allowed for a lot of imagination and research.

I came late to classical music, and it was such a thrill to find such beautiful music that I wondered if there were other people out there who, like me, could discover it, and love it just as much. My previous career bore absolutely no relation to beautiful music. Music was, in fact, a kind of antidote.

I really enjoy presenting and selecting the music I love. I know it is often considered ‘popular’, but, then again, it’s popular for a reason. It’s because people love it.

Beethoven is definitely my favourite composer. Verdi for operas. Mozart, a very close third. I confess to loving opera – the Romantics, Donizetti, Verdi, Bellini, Rossini – with a passion, and love presenting them. Especially condensing complex plots into bite-sized pieces.

When not at 5MBS, I write novels, and edit other people’s novels.

I love volunteering – even if on a fairly limited basis – at 5MBS. I find the quality of the presenters and their enthusiasm and expertise inspiring. I have no technical knowledge of music or musical instruments, and I am constantly impressed with the knowledge of other classical and jazz presenters. And their willingness to share that knowledge.

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